Okay somthin is messed up with my computer maybe i should give it back to the guty i borrowed it from. it replaecd Jett or Jed I can't really remember sorry but I'm pretty sure it was Jett but then maybe Jed I don't know I don't remember but it is not kla;sdjf or whatever with these weird letters now that is really weird
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Okay then...
posted by Max and Avian at 9:52 AM 6 comments
Okay wow I have no Idea why To is highlighted didn't this same thing happen with Avian???
posted by Max and Avian at 9:49 AM 0 comments
It's me Max and other fun stuff
Okay so yep i am back and now i can tell you the info i found out when i went there i got kicked out right well that doesn't stop me so i went back and tried something else and hey i got in without anyone knowing oh ya! I found some really cool stuff but then kinda scary stuff like this one map it wasn't like the one in maximum ride it had little pins all over it that said Itex also i found a ton of papers like business papers and other weird papers and oh ya the guy i met he was really nice i hung out with him for quit awhile his name was jklajsdlkjf and he helped out a lot I also had a little fun not too much because I'm here to do business I actually went tubing in the ocean i know i know but hey klasdklj said it was fun well that about sums it up i get off a plane and get onto another one and how Avian said the parents thing I didn't pay for my last trip i was in the lowest class of all the storage center no literally i was in the storage center but hey my parents do business all the time and are usually gone for a couple weeks sometimes months so that's why I can go wherever I want right now there like in Australia or sumthin' they won't get back until sometime in July anyway Iceland here we come
p.s. oh ya i kinda also fought and Eraser well at least I think it was one he was on e he asked me where I was going in a really wolf like voice but he look normal then when i smiled at him and said school...I mean to the store to get my dad some tools i sounded kinda fishy I mean school were in the middle of summer then he smiled back and boy did his teeth look more like fangs i couldn't help myself but say grandmother what large teeth you have and grandma what large ears you have etc. well that's just me he got mad and look like he was about to morph when he ran at me let me tell you the have anger management problems i gave him a hard punch in the stomach and topped it off with a kick in the chest and and round house kick let me tell you I love doing those it is sooo much fun well He wasnt that bad I mean there was only one it could be worse not to mention it did get worse the police came i get the heck outta there only to leave a man bloodied and lookin part wolf for evidence.
p.p.s. sorry for the long p.s. Bye
posted by Max and Avian at 9:20 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 28, 2007
I see that we have a new reader^.^ That rocks and I hope you continue to read our blog, and as for the new 7 wonders of the world thing I think that Hagia Sophia should be one^.^ or Angkor Wat.
Keep up with the posting^.^ and still and info on Itex would be good^.^ The web site helped a little but not as much as one would of hoped but I am sure it will help us sooner or later. But one thing we did learn was that Itex is some what of a marketplace, and some sort of network opportunity, I hope Iceland gets us more info Max and I (look more grammar) are at the air port now and have been for some time waiting for the right flight to be called, thank goodness for parents or we would have never gotten these tickets!
posted by Max and Avian at 12:52 PM 2 comments
At long last
Finally Max is back!!!! Me and her are meeting at a McDonald's, I know I know McDonald's? It was the only place I could think of!!! But any way we are meeting there getting some thing to eat with what little money we have then heading to the air port. To bad we don't get to go first class nope, more like the worst class, gezzz, and the best part is I don't know what time our flight leaves, so we are getting there real erally and are just listening cuz our tickets must have a typo or some thing cuz for the time it says 13:56p.m. now that got me confused...
posted by Max and Avian at 7:16 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Hurray hurray
Im almost home and guess what i had a minor success score! and that thing is pretty cool hey guess waht i met this guy who was lots of help about itex he new about it and had some valuble information we are kinda friends now and i cant wait till iceland it will be so cool well cia
some where close to home
posted by Max and Avian at 5:35 PM 2 comments
For Max
I made this one for Max^.^ I hope you like it Max....
Ok enough with that....*sigh* I am board!!!! Max hurry up and get back....gezzz I want to get to Iceland already.
posted by Max and Avian at 8:55 AM 0 comments
posted by Max and Avian at 8:49 AM 2 comments
Ya!!! Max you are coming back at long last!!! ANd haha you got kicked out of Itex!!! I didn't, I almost did though cuz I was about deck the lady at the front desk! She bugged me...and she didn't give me any info.
Oh and Max, if you watched Pasion of the Criste(sp) by Mel Gibson then I think you mite be able to handle Apocalypto by Mel Gibson, but who knows.
Me and Max are going to Iceland the day after she gets back, so don't freak if we haven't posted for a few days, things are finally getting exsiting!!!! And when that happens me and Max are not going to be posting that much.
p.s. look at how cute that is!!!! Awww I want it^.^
posted by Max and Avian at 8:10 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Home sweet home...well sorta
Ill be back tomarow I have tums of information cant wait to tell and maybe not all itexs are the same cause this one the people were kinda mean this lady with really old like 50s glasses was like do...you...have..and...appointment in a really sharp voice so I was like no not me but soon after im through with you you'll need to contact your doctor for an appointment pretty quick *smirks* Well to make a long story short i got kicked out but i think the lady was kinda scared i mean i was basically leanig over the counter sataing her down well gotta go ciao
posted by Max and Avian at 8:52 PM 1 comments
Apocalypto youtube vid.
Man I love this movie, in a way I can see why it is R but I mean they show things like this on the History channel all the time. Avian C. was right, any kid older than 11 could see it, well unless you are like Max. But any who I just wanted to put this vid on here cuz I saw it and I liked it^.^ and I am sure there will be at least one more vid of Apocalypto, but hey that's me for ya.
posted by Max and Avian at 10:40 AM 2 comments
Monday, June 25, 2007
Thank you Avian C. and no I don't know what aviation means, I have heard it before though. I will check out that web site and I will fined out what aviation means.
OK I just saw Apoctalypto and it was really good! Max, I suggest you don't watch it....ya, if you just now started to watch more gore like movies then you will really not like Apoctalypto and + it is rated R so ya. Jaguar(sp) Paw was my fav, well I normally always like the main characters.
Did any of you see Apoctalypto? and I hope I am spelling "Apoctalypto" right.
posted by Max and Avian at 5:51 PM 2 comments
The Loop
This is a small clip from one of my fav shows! The Loop, to bad it kind of copies Scrubs :(
posted by Max and Avian at 1:24 PM 2 comments
Creepy Itex tape
I found this on youtube, and it is also on Fang's Blog. It is a creepy Itex tape, but I don't know if it is real, most likely not though, you tell that the helicopter sounds are fake,and who would video tape them selves running around looking for stuff in a "secret" lab? But still it is pretty creepy.
posted by Max and Avian at 12:36 PM 1 comments
Ok so I changed agian
Ok I changed it again, I liked this one better what do you think?
posted by Max and Avian at 12:00 PM 0 comments
Ya Max you are back!!!! And there are you happy? I got the same colors back $.$ you drive me crazy!!!!!!But are you happy now? And when are you coming back? We need to get to Iceland!
posted by Max and Avian at 11:55 AM 0 comments
no no no and no i hate those colors i mean i like the colors black and red but not for this change it back i really want the old one back change it thank you
posted by Max and Avian at 11:41 AM 0 comments
@.@ ^.^
Max if you don't like the new colors you can change it back, I am still thinking on if I should make it different colors than this...hmmm...so people you cna still put what colors you think I should make the blog^.^
posted by Max and Avian at 11:04 AM 0 comments
1.light blue and dark blue
2.red and black
3.pink and black
4.green and other green
Which on do you all think it should be? Or should I keep it the same?
posted by Max and Avian at 10:51 AM 0 comments
*sigh* Max is still gone and still hasn't posted any thing...hmmm I wounder if some thing happened to her? Oh gezzz now here I go getting all worried.
I have nothing to do...I have to wait for Max to come back so really the only thing I can do is wait and google Itex and fined out as much info as I can. But I really do think that Itex is the wrong place. But who knows. I ran into a gang the other day, I was trying not to start a fight but at the same time, I kind of was...^.^ But nothing happened, they came after me but I was to fast for them. There was about five of then to...eepp, I bet I could take on at least three of them, if they didn't have crowbars and broken beer bottles.
Oh and have any of you seen that show on FOX called The Loop? I Just saw it yesterday , it was kind of a marathon of it. But any way, it was a really good show, and it was funny^.^ Now I want to buy the first season of it but I have no clue when, and if one I buy it if I will have time to watch it.
p.s. I think that that should be my new way of signing my name, what do you think?
posted by Max and Avian at 8:36 AM 4 comments
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Thank you!
Thank you Thunder and Avian caracter(srry if I misspelled that) I will check out there web site! I hope it gives info that we need^.^ Thanks! And yes I know, the smiles are cute.
And thanks again! Keep posting comments! Oh and Avian caracter I think you are right, most of the Itex places are so small, and it seems like they can't really hide any thing in that small of a building. Humm...and Itex isn't big on advertisement, they like have no advertisement on T.V. really only the Internet.
posted by Max and Avian at 8:05 PM 0 comments
OK so this is Max: ^.^ Ok so that was a little mean :(
so lets be nice and say this is Max^.^
Ok and this is Max when she feels hard core! Ok that was mean to...but I am sure she will get back at me, some how...
But this is me and Max, apatite^.^
and this is both of us when we get mad at the computer...
wait I think I just got an idea!...oh wait there it goes...
Ok I am really going crazy with these smiles, this is most likely my last post for to day befor I leave for back "home" and Max you need to hurry up and get back to!
posted by Max and Avian at 2:04 PM 4 comments
I just saw this and thought it was cute^.^ I know it is like so random though but hey what ever you know?
But you have to admit it is pritty cute. Oh here is a nether one: And a nether one^.^
posted by Max and Avian at 12:56 PM 1 comments
Oh and um...for any of you out there, please don't go and do any thing stupid like try and attack a coworker at Itex, I mean we don't even know if these people are actually bad, and so far they seem to be an ok business. So just, ya...nothing stupid, but what would be good is if you all could google Itex and fined out info on what type of work they do, that would help a lot. But I am starting to think that Itex isn't the place we should be worrying about...
posted by Max and Avian at 12:24 PM 3 comments
posted by Max and Avian at 12:12 PM 1 comments
Saturday, June 23, 2007
To Avian cacrte (sorry for miss spelling)
yeah sure I think i have some information on Arizona actually hold on let me get it outa my backpack...I'm back ok I'll post a post for you at the regular site ok and yes I'm still on the plane it takes about five hours so and guess what my laptop was low on battery then like all of a sudden it just boosted up and had full power and its been like an hour or two and it is still full that is kinda weird but at least i can still post things if any one has any information on why it mught be doing this that would be great thanks!
posted by Max and Avian at 9:49 AM 4 comments
Ok something is wrong with the time on this computer cuz its almost 9:00 am and dthe thing says its like 7: 30 is that like central or something
posted by Max and Avian at 7:52 AM 3 comments
Itex here we come...
yeah once I get back I don't know how long I'll be there maybe a couple days maybe a week who knows I just know Itex cannot continue this. I don't have much time my battery is kinda low but at least with the long plane ride I 'll catch up on some of my sleep I think it was thunder that lived in Oregon right I'm pretty sure that's who it is anyway I might actually be able to fight an Eraser Thunder says their everywhere so this is my agenda for Oregon;
- Land safely in Oregon
- Try not to be suspected
- Find Itex
- Kick Eraser butt
- Destroy Itex
- Have a nice cup of tea while watching a romantic love story and reading the newspaper ;) *yeah right*
posted by Max and Avian at 7:33 AM 3 comments
well my planes about to leave so ciao guys later.
Itex your goin down!!!
posted by Max and Avian at 6:09 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 22, 2007
Ok I did a google search on Itex, and it seems that Iceland is the place to go! I saw this thing on it and they are experimenting on increasing air temp. now that doesn't sound good to me. Max I think when we both get back "home" We should look into Iceland, and I mean together, It looks like the Itex in Iceland is really big, the one in Nevada is really small, it is so not big, its a little brick building, I think, Max you posted a pic of it once, when you where talking about Itex.
I really think we are getting some where. I can't post pics with this computer, other wise I would put a pic of it.
I am telling you Max, Iceland.
They have some big project going on in Iceland, they are like see how plants react to a change in climate, like they are making it hotter in the little chamber that the plants are in and they are seeing how the plants react. Now I can see ways that, that can be good and bad you know. I really do think we are getting some where! Max, we need to go together to Iceland, this looks tricky.
posted by Max and Avian at 8:56 PM 0 comments
Wow the blog is getting more comments then I ever thought! that is like so great!
Well I am getting ready to crash, the prison had a bit of info but not what I was hopping for. I am at an RV park that has a computer that they let you use in the recriation aria, I like had to wait to use it though. Tommarow I am going to check out the Itex, and by the way I am in, Navada, I was hopping to go to Las Vages, but it was to far away sadly. I also flew to Navadam, my parents(which I see oh so often) got me the tickets, they said it was the least they could do. I know I am 14, and I don't really live on my own, but I am always some where so its is more like I am off on my own.
That rocks Max that you are going to Oragen, I was thinking about going there but disided not, I felt more like Navada, I also was thinking about Arazona.
The prison was more historical, and I thought it was abondon, like completly, but I guess not.
posted by Max and Avian at 8:56 PM 1 comments
Ohh i forgot...
posted by Max and Avian at 10:57 AM 0 comments
I don't really know a title for this one...
Thats cool I hope you find some valuable information. Avian is right I have other stuff to do also while he is cheking out the prison i will be checking out Itex in Oregon. I borrowed a laptop from this gut i new a while back hopefully I'll be back before he notices it missing. The plane leaves at like 7:45 am soo it'll be a while I'm at a Starbucks right know getting something to eat its right across the road from the airport, don't ask where I got the money cause I don't really have any. So once I get to oregon I guess Il'l check up On Itex and Avian I'm guessing theses people aren't the nicest and aren't like well yes dear do you have an apiontment no There probably more like secruity and tahts when it get exciting and its time to either fight and since they'll be about 200 guys or so against one person it might work but if not theres always the option of running. Just to let you know if you think Me and Avian do like everything together, but thats only half true. I do a lot of stuff by myself as well It's not the mystery thing that just sounds too much like Nancy Drew and the Hardy boys My work is a little bit different anyway I have time for a couple more posts until I have to get ready It's only 12:00 pm right now but I have some other business to do.
p.s. I also have the rest of the information on Itex and guess what I got their e-mail addresses so let your imagination run wild and free with it.
posted by Max and Avian at 10:37 AM 4 comments
Don't go crazy
I am going to be off, checking out an old prison, and an Itex company near it. I would be taking Max but she has other things that she needs to take care of, I would only be checking out the old abandon prison but after all this creepy stuff that has been going on I think I mite see if Itex is truly evil...and lets all hope they aren't, cuz that is the last thing we need! Well right now any way.
OK so see you all later, and keep up on the comments!!! We love to get comments!
p.s. be nice to Max while I am gone^,^
posted by Max and Avian at 8:31 AM 4 comments
Thursday, June 21, 2007
To: Neo and Avian caractere
to Neo:
OK so I guess that is one more for the movie? That is cool^.^ And I know what you mean...I don't really like any of the people they want to play as Max.
to Avian caractere:
Um...Avian is my real name, but that is cool that you thought of the name.
I hope both of you continue posting comments and reading this blog^.^
posted by Max and Avian at 2:36 PM 8 comments
tisk tisk
Ok so I guess they really are making a Max Ride movie, which is both good and bad, I guess, I love the new MR3 camarshal(sp) that they did, I just don't like how they made the Erasers look, I mean they don't even look like wolf men!! They look like vampires, but other than that it was cool^.^
How many of you want a MR movie? And how many of you don't?
Yes to the movie No to the movie
0 ______________ 2
posted by Max and Avian at 9:57 AM 4 comments
maximum ride
thats cool bye the way have you seen the new maximum ride site
posted by Max and Avian at 9:04 AM 0 comments
Oh pictures ok. But that still doesn't answer my other question, why are you not happy?
So...I was walking down to the pool the other day and there was some old guy in a black truck and he was just sitting there watching the kids play around by the pool, so I run around screaming "petafile"(sp)-you know thous people that kidnap kids-(but I don't think he really was) which now I see wasn't a very good idea, but then after that he looked at me and drove off. Yeah me...I scared him away^.^
posted by Max and Avian at 7:22 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Oh and Max
What is "pistures" Cuz...that got me confused a little and I am not only a bad speller but reading...gezz I am not so good with big words...eeepp that isn't good is it? oh well I think you mite have spelt it wrong, but don't ask me.
posted by Max and Avian at 7:15 PM 0 comments
Max, Max, Max, why are you not happy? You not being happy can't be good.
And wow Thunder(:@ Autumn :d ) It sounds like you had some time! Hey try and stay out of trouble ok?
OK and now I have a story for all you!
So, I was out swimming at a really big lake I found and there wasn't really any one there and then out of nowhere I see this man in a long white coat...now that is scary, But I don't think he is from the school, that would be to Maximum Rideish if you ask me, but I do think this guy is bad news I mean almost every where I have been going I have been seeing strange people, the white coat was the first of his "kind" I guess you could say but still. Looks like me and Max's vacation is over! I hope...
P.S. Max, you should really take a brake if you are not happy.
posted by Max and Avian at 7:05 PM 0 comments
stop calling me fax besides you got more pistures
posted by Max and Avian at 11:18 AM 0 comments
Avian im not trying to get in a fight but im not happy right now i have the info on oregon by the way
posted by Max and Avian at 11:17 AM 0 comments
To: :@ autumn :d or Thunder
I am happy to see that we have a new reader that rocks!! And humm...Favian? I don't know....I guess, but you have to call Max Fax! And ok I'll check out Oregon and see if they have an Itex which I am sure they do.
You have fought an Eraser. Wow that is crazy, I mean I have fought normal people before but never an Eraser, well that I know of.
Well keep posting comments^.^
posted by Max and Avian at 7:44 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
What ever
you know what! Fine, when ever you tell me to do some thing I wont do it so there ha^.^
Ok so...Yes I am an adventure mystery person as well I like when the mystery is also an adventure you know? It makes every thing a bit more challenging.
posted by Max and Avian at 7:23 PM 0 comments
well in my mind im still the leader im a chaleric its a type of character that acts like that thatst just the way i am
posted by Max and Avian at 7:08 PM 0 comments
i know what your typing avian and im the leader you know it
posted by Max and Avian at 6:53 PM 0 comments
Oh what ever you the leader? Scence when? Well you are a bit of a control freak I must admit, but still, leader? No I don't think so! If any one is the leader it is most likely going to me!!!!!! Ok how about this, so we don't get into a fight, we both share leader ship? Ok? Ok. Oh and I hope you like this pic, Max!!!
posted by Max and Avian at 6:51 PM 0 comments
Its gettin kinda and other stuff...
that thing about Fax is gettin old i mean i m not callin you Hummingbird anyway the thing about the mystery well mysteries are ok but i prefer adventure and fun ya know what i mean. That time is commin again when i might not be on for awhile i don't now when but like avian said we could be on the run again i mean we are not like running from Erasers or anything its more like people trying to get us cops, FBI, yadyaya, stuff like that. We didn't do anything wrong exactly there just kinda out there to get us so we may be headin into the woods some time soon i mean we have this place (we have lots of places actually) its freakin' awesome but Avian is right we need to get a laptop since we're on the run so much we're 14 but believe me we can sure kick butt especially since I'm the leader no offense to Avian hes good at that stuff too its just that I like to take charge and do things my way.
posted by Max and Avian at 6:02 PM 0 comments
Fax, Fax, Fax
That is ok Fax^.^ I know all about how fights with you get out of hand, and you know the same thing happens here. Thank goodness me and you have only been in what like two fights all our lives!
Ok srry every one for that^.^ But now any way I got off the computer for a little bit and I saw this car drive by and it turned around the corner where I could still see it and it was gone!!! It like just vanished!!! Is there like a new type of car out that does that? Cuze this is kind of odd....and creepy. Gezz, well there is a good mystory for you all...and me, looks like every thing is starting to get exsitting again...and its about time...but still don't you think it is a bit odd that, that happend right after I was done complainning that I was board and needded a good mystory?
Oh and just great! Spell check isn't working...again >.<
posted by Max and Avian at 12:21 PM 0 comments
This is for Avian
Sorry Avian but it looks like it got kinda outa hand but hey when someone picks a fight with me things get outa hand you should know
posted by Max and Avian at 12:01 PM 2 comments
X-men (last time I promise)
Ok I promise this is that last time I will talk about the X-Men, but I just saw this pic of one of my fave "nightcrawler" or Kurt, him and Logan are the coolest!!! Well and Storm! She rocks! Ok so ya...I wish I had Kurt and Logan's powers that would rock!!!!
Keep up with the comments!!!
posted by Max and Avian at 11:50 AM 0 comments
Ok so I have notes that Fax and I (oh look I used some grammar!) have had nothing to really do over this past month which is very odd....hmmm....normally there is some thing for us to do, if not trying to solve a good mystery, or just hanging out...this is very strange...it makes me feel so normal...scary o.0 I'm not use to this!!!! I think I am going to go fined a puzzle to do or some thing...that mite be fun. Right?
P.s. it truly is hard trying to say "like"
posted by Max and Avian at 11:21 AM 0 comments
To: Danger (this is NOT a thank you)
I didn't say i was trying to be her besides the one who posted that was a boy named Avian and just because my name is Max doesnt mean im her and just becuase your naem is Danger doesnt mean you are dangerous i mean what kind of naem is that so stop pretending and beside your the one pretending to be Max i mean come on you live in Danger sorry if im sounding mean but when people act like that i get mad so sorry but that just the way i am i cant and wont change
posted by Max and Avian at 11:18 AM 0 comments
A challange for today
Ok here is a Challenge for you all:
For the hole day try not to say like!
It is really hard, trust me...
I hope you all like our blog, I saw that one person posted a comment that wasn't the nicest but hey its there opinion, lets just hope it doesn't get to out of hand.
posted by Max and Avian at 11:13 AM 0 comments
Ok...max...I mean Fax maybe we should check out these Itex places before we go telling people to let all "heck" brake loose...I mean what if these places aren't as bad as the book says they are? Well it is still kind of odd that Itex is a really company though hmmm...oh well
And thanks I see more and more people are commenting thanks!!! This so rocks!!!!
posted by Max and Avian at 10:18 AM 2 comments
To: Just another face in the crowd
Well thanks and yes thanks again for commenting and doing that stat thing
posted by Max and Avian at 8:14 AM 1 comments
Monday, June 18, 2007
yep that about sums it up i dont know why but all of a sudden whenever i rent a movie i automatically look for one rated PG-13 its weird anyway please read and comment on the posts about itex there under Avians posts i am not kidding your loife could depend on this for this truly could be the end my friends
posted by Max and Avian at 9:20 PM 3 comments
Ok so....
OK so I would like to know where you go to see how many times your blog has been looked ta and stuff...so where do you go? Cuz I have no idea...I mean come on we...well I am new to blogs I don't know about Max...So if any of you could help that would be great^.^
And keep up the posting of comments, and Fax i am happy to hear that your are getting better at watching movies with lots of blood and gore^.^
posted by Max and Avian at 8:35 PM 0 comments
OK my computer shut down on me right in the midel of a post!!!!that is why there is only a half a post there!
But as I was saying, thanks for posting more comments^.^ And yes little birds where attacking the crow...poor crow...well I am not much of a crow fan any way but ohwell.
Please keep posting comments!!! That would be great!!!!
posted by Max and Avian at 8:25 PM 1 comments
You go Fax!!!
Oh ya you go Fax, yes I am still calling you Fax! But yes she is soooo right!!! Let all hell brake loose if you see any of thoughs places!!!!!
Oh and Fax what is with the pic? But ok ya and guess what!!!! I wont be gone for a week any more!!! Yah...ok I know you all where all like "Yes Avian is leaving!!!" well to bad^.^
posted by Max and Avian at 8:12 PM 0 comments
if you live near any of these headquarters or all visiting a place near them feel free to let all heck break lose
p.s. sorry i forgot to put who was writing these posts all the ones about Itex are me Max
from Max again
posted by Max and Avian at 3:17 PM 2 comments
Itex in Minnesota
Itex in Minnesota
Broker: Matt Ring
Office Manager: Mary Allen
Minnesota Barter Exchange inc.
14591 Grand Ave S Suite 200
Burnsville MN 55306
Phone: 952-898-5156
FAX: 952-898-5153
sorry i don't have pic for this one
posted by Max and Avian at 3:10 PM 0 comments
Itex in New Jersey
Itex in New Jersey
Broker: Carolyn Barszcz
Trade assistant: Jacquelyn Barszcz (what kinda name is that)
Barter NJ
676 Georges Rd
North Brunswick,
NJ 08902
PHONE: 732-249-8080
FAX: 732-745-9037
posted by Max and Avian at 3:04 PM 0 comments
Itex in Nevada
Itex in Nevada
Broker: Cindy Rubendall
Sales Manager: Stephan Friede
Itex Nevada
136 Vesta Street
Reno, NV 89502
PHONE: 775-829-2990
FAX: 775-829-2991
posted by Max and Avian at 2:58 PM 0 comments
ok that got kinda messed up ill try to get it better for the next one
posted by Max and Avian at 2:57 PM 0 comments
Itex in Utah please read each post for every state
Okay, so if you've read the previous post your pretty much know waht im talking about so lets get started this is all the information i picked up on Itex theres a bunch more and I'll post that later but I'm, here trying to help the flock so please read this and take acknowledge of it ok lets roll:
Broker: Graham Norris (I think thats like the head muchacho or heag guy)
General Manager: Jana Dahl
Trade Manager: Lindsey Bullock (now why does that name seem so familiar to me hmmm)
Trade Director: Jenny Pager
Okay so this is like where the headquarters are located: (the # is the phone number)
Itex in Utah () Itex in Utah ()Itex Utah
20 N. Main street, Suite 305() 3601 N. University, AVE Suite 150()7192 s state street
St. George, UT 84770 () Provo, UT 84604 ()Suite 237
PHONE: 435-215-0800 () PHONE: 801-802-0322 ()Midvale, UT 84047
FAX: 801-802-0344 () FAX: 801-802-0344 ()#: 888-244-0909
() ()FAX: 801-802-0344
If you live near any of these places or visiting there feel free to let all heck break lose
posted by Max and Avian at 2:29 PM 0 comments
Ok so if you've read Maximum Ride you know what I'm talking about you know the whole itex thing well its real James Patterson was joking its a major corporation in like every country and lots of the states and provinces i saw this thing about it being the number one business and how it can help your company grow i mean these people are apart of Nike then i saw this other thing it said stuff like making the world a better place just to live for everyone so i thought james patterson was kidding but he was not this is real and kinda scary so please comment this is not a joke this is real your life could depend on it
posted by Max and Avian at 11:21 AM 0 comments
Thank You
yeah thats kinda cool anywa tahnks foer commenting my name is max not fax for your information hummingbird and sorry about the little bird please come back and post more comments
posted by Max and Avian at 11:18 AM 0 comments
Saturday, June 16, 2007
what ever
OK what ever Fax, and yes Indianna is so the coolest!!!!!! And yes I do know what you mean but you are sojust jellouse(sp) and you wish you where me! Oh ya that so just happend!!!! Man Iam still running out of things to say....Oh!!!! I know, I was at the store to day and I was looking at the games, and there was this one game that had Spider-man and Logan (aka wolverine) and a few other "super heros" in it but I mean spider-man and Logan in the same game!!! dude that has got to be one of the best games ever!!!!! I wish I had "spidey" powers and wolverines awsome claws and the abillity to heal like really quickly!!! Man that would so rock!
Ok I bet I sound really neerdy but oh well I am still cool!!!!!Right? Right. ^.^
Ok story for you people:
I was down at the park the other night and there was this one crow getting attacked a bunch of small little birds and the crow like did a barrol roll in the air dogging a swarm of little birds. Then after a while when I came back I saw the same crow withone of the small birds dead in its mouth and all the little birds where still attacking the crow!
well wasn't that a good story? Andthank you to the few people that have posted a comment!!!! But still PEOPLE PLEASE POST SOME COMMENTS!!!!
posted by Max and Avian at 5:55 PM 2 comments
a hummingbird
whatever avian more like a hummingbird first becuase your peuny little brain and second cuz your like bla bla bla looks like you got some comments and is aw what happened to the siste whats up with that whwn you move the mouse it like draws green everywhere and i like Indiana Jones i soo like josh hutcherson and the ling about YOU being the hottest guy is just gross if YO know what I mean
posted by Max and Avian at 1:42 PM 0 comments
A spoon Any One?
OK we are all out of spoons!!! So now I have to eat my yoplait yogert with a fork!!! have a spoon? Well...its not to hard to eat yogert with a fork...ok soit is really hard!!!!! But any way, besides that little problem, does anyone know or own a good movieIcan watch?Ok don't answer that, I'lljust check HBO fora good movie then...
Fax hurry up and post allready!!!! I am running out of things to say...*sigh* so board....oh I know:
Say "yepdeyep" ifyou like cheese, say "howl...howl" if you like wolves, say "yoyosup" ifyou like rap music, say "ya!!gome" if you like animal planet, and say "Ohya" if you like Kevin Costenr the aactor
I say:
"howl...howl", "ya!!gome", and "ohya"
posted by Max and Avian at 10:22 AM 0 comments
OK last time...
OK so I know I said enough x-men but I was watching this oneother thing on youtube that made me laugh....I kind of notest that in the x-men some of the more seriouse parts are like really funny to me!!!!! ^.^ I like the fight seens more than the talking parts...thoughs are....boaring!!!!!!!! well it depends on what they are talking about.
Ok now I am done talking about the x-men, now on to talking about Indianna Jhones and Spider-man ^.^
Yes I know I am an odd person, I like Indianna Jhones and comics...but hey it is me we aretalking about!!!! I mean Fax Likes Maximum Ride which has a lot of violence and fighting and she doesn't mined...but in movies she like freacks out...and you know you do freack Fax, don't denie it...oh and she allso huntes and killes animals and doesn't mined but once again in movies she freacks!!!!
Any way back to Indianna there is like blood and in one of the movies likm not the best staues for kids to see and it is rated PG what is with that? I mean it has swearing peopel getting stabbed by spikes that comeout of walls and like dead people in it and it is PG...well I guess if your S.S. teacher askes you to bring in a G or PG movie about arceoligy(sp) and like finding anchent(sp) artafacts Indianna would be good^.^ I mean that is what I would pick. But hey that is me.
P.S. Fax, some time we need togo upintot he moutains on the jeep again.
posted by Max and Avian at 9:42 AM 1 comments
YoI'm a gangester!!! I'm a straght up G yo!!!! Ha ya right like I would ever be a gangster!!! gezzz....well Hi peeps and Fax, I think I will have time for a few more post before I go^.^ and man I just foundout that they are thinking about making a new X-Men, it is about Logan, it is back in the past and what happend to Logan and stuff which rocks!!!! I wish I had retractable claws like Logan and if only I could heal that fast to....hummm.....well now I know why J.P saidthat Maximum Ride is a mix of the x-men and Harry Potter...well I don't get the Harry Potter part but ohwell I mean come on, Logan, he was created by crazy scientistand hello so was the flock!!!! well they got there mutant powers from crazy scientist, and same with logan so yep...
Ok so you all know I am not a a nerd that likes like all these comics, ok so I like comics but I don't buy like limited addetions, I don't care that much about comics, I would rather watch the movies.
Right now I am watching this little thing on youtube it is called "the best of wolverine" and it is good! I would be watching the movie right now but I don't have it and it is never on the HBO thing they only have the 3rd movie and it is on cinimax and we don't get that...so I go to youtube^.^ Ok enough about x-men, I am sure I will drive Fax crazzy talking about x-men and stuff like that to much.
posted by Max and Avian at 9:22 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 15, 2007
WOW that sounded really babyish don't you think? Oh well Fax better get my pics backor I will my self once I can use the computer at my other house againbut if I have to do it my self then I will always be calling Max Fax!!!!
p.s. wow I do a lot of p.s.'s funny....well I will post some more hopefully tomarrow!!!!^.^ Oh and whish me luck on getting a laptop of my own formy b-day!!!!!! I mean I am tired of using other peoples laptops when I am off in the forest and stuff, cuz I mean I am allways upin the trees and stuff, and what if I dropped the persons laptop!!!!I would have to pay to get it fixed!!!! And then if I do that there goes my money to buy a farret(sp)
posted by Max and Avian at 7:10 PM 1 comments
Hey every one!!!! Srry for all the misspellings!!!! Spell check ((I know I use spell check, I am sure some of you do to!)) is not working right now....this computer has some problems!!!! Gezzzz, why cant the other computer be working????why!!!!???? oh well I'll just have to live for now.
And Max, here is just one more reminder:
Here that peeps!!! So be nice to Max while I am gone ok?.....ok. Good^.^
Oh and Max did you see what they did to Maximumride.com!!!!! You will go crazy onceyou see it!!!! Same with you all that like Maximum Ride as much as we do, and I thought all the eracers(sp) where dead!!! you would think it would say flyboys....hmmm
P.S. Hobgoblin....lol its from spider-man the book...I don'tknow which one though, its called "The Venom Factor" or some thing like that....and it is actually a good book! I give it three more days until I finish it, I have been reading it over the week.
p.s.s. Just so you all know I do not like cheese...well only on pizza and mac and cheese^.^ Go me, oh ya!
posted by Max and Avian at 6:58 PM 0 comments
Ok I would put a pic of Logan (a.k.a. Huge Jackman) but I have no clue how to right click on a laptop....do you? I mean any of you people that see this post!!! cuz if I could right click then I could save pics to put on to this....odd little blog of ours....well jezzz *sigh*
Oh I know!!! say "Aye" if you like spider-man, say "rockonman" if you like Indiana Jhons(sp), say "mutantfreack" if you like The X-Men, and say "ImissAri" if you like Maximum Ride!!! and it is ok to say more than one!
I say:
"Aye", "rockonman", 'mutantfreack", and "ImissAri"
ok ya so I like all of them!!!! I know Max likes Maximum Ride, you know I find it funny that her name is Max and he main character is named Max in the book and she just happend to read it...well I am sure there is some good reason behind that right Max?
lol srry about that Max I just had to point that out, and so you all know I will be keeping a little chart on what you pic, so far spider-man, Indiana Jhons, X-Men, and Maximum Ride are all tied!!! and just to add one more thing to it say "boooahhh" if you like the movie The Fog
I say:
so that still means they are all even!!!!!
p.s. this little chart is most likely nevergoing to work cuzno one ever leaves a comment!!!! But we will see how it works out^.^
posted by Max and Avian at 6:38 PM 1 comments
Oh gezzz
Yes Max...I am at my dads!!!!!And I still am but the computer is not working but I managed to take my step sis laptop! *smiles* Well she is gone any way.
And Max, you type some of the most random things!!!!! gezzz and that kid, he is from the movie Bridge to Tarabithia(sp) and not that I am one to say but man Max you have a bad taste in men!!!!!! Ok we will just say that you never said he was cute!!! I mean Logan from the X-Men is better than that, and once again, not that I am one to say.
Srry peeps that I have ben gone and this will most likely be one of my last post for the week, but I'm sure I will be able to get a few more post before I go. And people PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT!!!! thank you!!!!!
the hottest guy ever!!!!!
P.S. Sports suck!!!!! And thank you Max for clearing up what p.s. means ^.^ Now it wont bother me any more ^.^ now alls I want is for people to post some comments!!! gosh I mean comments make me and....max feel special and it makes us feel like people are actually reading our blog!!!!
posted by Max and Avian at 6:17 PM 1 comments
I swear im not a girly girl but...
guess what i remembered i think Josh Huthcherson is sooooo hot!!!! i know im not al girly girly right but every girl likes a a boy once in her life this just so happens to be the one i like
posted by Max and Avian at 9:39 AM 3 comments
Thursday, June 14, 2007
guess what...
hey guess what...um...oh never mind i forgot
posted by Max and Avian at 5:14 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Max!!!!!gezzz 3 days and you start to freak!!!!!! I mean some times I go with out hearing from you for like a month!!!! gezzzz and just so you don't freak out again I wont be on for a while ok!!!! so jezzz have fun well I am not on!!! I'll try and post when I can.
posted by Max and Avian at 9:18 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Hannah Montana
OMG that stupid song by stupid HANNAH MONTANA hello the girl is from tennese who lives in calaifornia but says shes from montana i mean my gosh
posted by Max and Avian at 4:33 PM 1 comments
Monday, June 11, 2007
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Avian where are you and how do you set up the video thing
posted by Max and Avian at 5:22 PM 0 comments
Avian where are you and how do you set up the video thing
posted by Max and Avian at 5:22 PM 0 comments
like i said Avian p.s. means post script and that cat thing was random and really weird (JK) nay way i like tah welcome sign thing its cool
posted by Max and Avian at 2:54 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 8, 2007
Oh yay new blog look!!!!! What do you all think? I'm thinking of making it black and pink but that seems to girlly, and I don't know if I would really like it it was just a thought that came to me. What colors do you all think would be good? 'Cuz I have no clue what to do for the colors, I kind of like these colors but who knows...maybe a little more blue?
Please people your opinion would be just great!!! Thanks!!!
Oh and remember to smile!!! Wow that was random ^.^ LOL
posted by Max and Avian at 8:49 PM 0 comments
well that was random....really random...man I am going crazy!!! I blame you Max!!!!
posted by Max and Avian at 7:39 PM 0 comments
Wow Max you sure have changed the blog!!! I like it!!!! ^.^ and I see you made your own little thing on you now that is good I just did that so it wouldn't really seem like its all about me.
posted by Max and Avian at 7:15 PM 0 comments
posted by Max and Avian at 5:21 PM 1 comments
I almost forgot..
OHH i almost forgot im also really funny as you've seen in other posts
posted by Max and Avian at 4:07 PM 0 comments
a little more about me...
Actually Avian i do it means post script Dugh kinda weird hugh and i saw that thing that you put up about me i love to read ya i like to read but only certain books like maximum ride isnt that funny thats probably why i like it so much becuase hey my name is Max and i sorta like mysteries but i am tough not because i did karate or fondoo or whatever you call it...no tis because im tough and know how to handle those types of situations my dad taught me alot cause hes in the army you pick a fight with him your dead meaning seriously dead! like they say like father like daughter you could say were almost exactly alike i dont know if you know about personalitiy tests but my dad is a choleris and so im i meaning i want things done my way it has to be my idea i have to be in charge im tough as nails all that sorta thing
posted by Max and Avian at 4:01 PM 0 comments
House of Wolves
I haven't heard really any other songs of theirs, but I am planning on it! What do you all think? Are they a good band or what? And once again please comment!
P.S. Really does any one know what P.S. means?
posted by Max and Avian at 1:14 PM 0 comments
*Hits self over the head* Man am I stupid I can't even spell who right!!!! gezzz, I need to really start rereading things before I post them, but hey no one is perfect right? Right? I mean gosh, who? Who could spell who wrong, besides me, and maybe monkeys! Sorry every one that cares enough to even read this stuff, I mean I do try to spell right, I really do, OK maybe only some times but still.
Points for me!!!!! Yeah go me....
P.S. Some one post a comment please!!!!!
P.S.S. WHat does P.S. stand for any way? I mean every one uses it, but what does it really mean?
posted by Max and Avian at 7:59 AM 1 comments
Ok, every one loves money right? Well most every one any way. Well i found a $20 when I got up and there it was just sitting there on the ground, how odd. How wants it? Not really, its mine now >.< so :p ha ha.
Man and it wont stop raining, eh....I'm sick of all the rain, I mean I like have to hide under rocks to stay dry. *shivers* Well at least the rain taste good.
posted by Max and Avian at 7:53 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Gosh Max you made the computer mad!!!!! I was laughing so hard my sides hurt! Maybe you should give the computer a brake, or maybe a chicken? Then it mite stop...
MARKERFACE I am coming for you!!!And the chickens that are disignd yo be chocked!!!!
posted by Max and Avian at 6:58 PM 0 comments
make it stop seriously the computers taliking about how chickens are deisgned to be choked and the radio is not on thisis really weird
posted by Max and Avian at 6:54 PM 1 comments
Well that was random, don't you think? Wow I think Max's craziness is rubbing off on me
See Max look what you did to me!!!
posted by Max and Avian at 6:53 PM 0 comments
posted by Max and Avian at 6:43 PM 0 comments
Yes Max thanks for pointing that out...you are right you aren't crazy all the time, but really, when you are like this you are, scarry!!!I mean look at your self! Some one really needs to stop giving you coffie @.@
posted by Max and Avian at 6:41 PM 1 comments
im not like this all the time ya no im just on a sugar high most of the time im only half percent of this whatever you call it personalitythe other half of the time im very serious ready for the action
posted by Max and Avian at 6:35 PM 0 comments
Max, Ok we get it!!! You are crazy and you have seen a pic like the one you just posted, but please!!!! I am going to go crazy!!! I mean you would think after 14 years!!! Jezz, some one save me, please!!! I think Max just mite try and eat me...*backs up* don't eat me, please Max, just don't eat me T.T
p.s. see I told you we don't know what we are doing
posted by Max and Avian at 6:34 PM 0 comments
posted by Max and Avian at 6:34 PM 0 comments
hey i just saw taht thing about the water and all that i went to a place like that only there werent as many people, water, big bright lights, and all of the pretty prettines but besides that its exactly the same see the similarities
posted by Max and Avian at 6:30 PM 0 comments
Ok, jezz really Max get with the program...stop trying to take things out of the computer @.@ your going drive me cazzy!!! And I'm sure you people out there looking through the blogs and see our you mite get a small laugh from Max, she is loco, but I'm sure most of you could care less. That is life for you, and if you really care, post a coment, please.
posted by Max and Avian at 6:25 PM 0 comments
#.# Max!!! Gosh what the??? A pencil?? Well at least it made me laugh...no really it did. Ok any way back to the hole thing about us not really knowing what to put on a blog, as you can see from Max's hole pencil thing we really have no clue what we are doing on one of these but I'm sure we will get use to it.
posted by Max and Avian at 6:19 PM 0 comments
i am sorry to say that iv'e moved on i am no longer attached to the pencil there are better things in life 'cause guess what i found this cool little thing they look like little toold ..now how do get them out ...hmmm
posted by Max and Avian at 6:18 PM 0 comments
posted by Max and Avian at 6:15 PM 0 comments
AAAH i found a pencil only some how its like stuck in thje computer screen still wondren how it got in there oh by the way i'm Max I'm a girl for your information andim not all girly girl like OMG like look its Pink shoes not me id be more like lets highjack 'em and burn 'em *smirks* thats what id do anyway better go you know the usual still workin' on how to get the pencil out well I'll get back to you later when i've found out a way.
posted by Max and Avian at 6:07 PM 0 comments
Wow, a blog, never thought I would make one of these, but hi to any one that cares about what I say...which is like no one!!! Oh well thats your problem for not caring.
Ok Well I am Avian and My friend is Max, We are both new to this so don't be all like, OMG they like don't know how to blog, gosh they suck, and stuff like that, lets all be nice.
posted by Max and Avian at 6:01 PM 0 comments