Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Yo Avian here, haven't posted in a while, sorry bout that we've lost a lot of readers...every one really but if somone does like this blog tell ur friends we like comments.

we have been thinking about going to France cool right?

so any way the reason we haven't been posting was because we were on this African safari that our parents sent us on. Max and I convinced them to send us we said it would be good educational stuff or what ever and how much trouble could we get in when we would be stuck at some camp in Africa with a bunch of other kids our age right? assuming we don't run away, but at least we are away from our freak parents.

Max thought that one of the tour guides was hot, shes a freak and he was one of the camp counselors to or some thing like that and she was all over him all the time. All the other kids there were like freaky smart and nerdy they like won some award thing or maybe they raised the money to go im not sure they were apart of some sorta a school club or some weird thing like that. They were from like London or some were Im not sure tho so they were all shocked when me and max showed up. The guys were trying to act all tough and cool and overly smart around max trying to show off by telling us all this useless info about random things(I don't think they realised that we didn't care and that we could kick there butt if we wanted)thank god for the i-pod that way i could tune out the anoying talk and listen to awesome bands like Say Anything and 3!oh3 . I mean Africa, its awesome some of the villages tho i mean wow sad you know, but we didn't see to much of the sad things. The land scape and wild life is awesome in Africa. any way ya all cool expect for the nerds. Well I guess they went all nerds there were a few that were ok. Really I guess I don't know what to expect from school kids if you've been reading you'd know i haven't spent much time at school cuz I was home schooled and all and now Africa.

I want to go to Ireland again tho its my home you know and my Irish accent may not be as thick as some but the people here think that thats where i still live haha. so maybe after Africa then we will go to France and then Ireland oooh or Iceland, we had some fun times there.

More on the African fun later
